Rings and things…

I’ve started getting back into jewellery making recently – kick started by creating lemon earrings for a fancy dress party… but that’s a story for another time… I find jewellery making really relaxing but it’s been ages since I sat down to do any.  I’ve been much more focused on sewing projects.  So when I saw that Minerva Fabrics also sell a really great supply of jewellery making materials I thought it was the perfect time to kick start my hobby again.



I made these wire wrapped rings using the ring mandrel I was given last Christmas.  They’re all about the beads so if you have some beautiful collections knocking around the place pick your prettiest piece to feature and you’re away.

You can see the full tutorial here

This post was created for the Minerva Crafts Blogging Network.  I received the materials for free but design and ideas are my own

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